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My morning with Leonie Von Schweinitz, owner of Annafie London

The wonderful Wimbledon Mummy writes:

“Last year an Instagram page @annafielondon caught my attention for its gorgeous traditional children’s clothing and I ‘liked’ quite a few of the posts…”

To read the full article go to https://wimbledonmummy.com/2020/01/20/my-morning-with-leonie-von-schweinitz-owner-of-annafie-london/


Further reading

Schwester Schwester Annafie

Interview with SchwesterSchwester

SchwesterSchwester, (meaning sister sister in German) who have just launched their beautiful collection of earrings in the UK, have interviewed me about how our dresses are made and what makes Annafie special.

The History of the Christening Gown

During early baptism (around AD 160-220), babies were wrapped in plain swaddling bands. Swaddling bands were more restrictive than the muslins we swaddle newborns in

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